Holy smokes!!! Those Lucky Wife event planners have been working their tails off. I just counted up the events, it looks like as of today there are 94 days of lucky Wife events that you can experience the awesome wonderfulness of the Lucky Wife Wine Slushie. And.......they are only getting started. As we add territories and more trailers on the roads of Iowa, it's only gonna grow from here!
We had only 10 flavors last season, we kicked off 2023 with 19 amazing flavors. So, if you thought it was hard to pick a favorite before......well, let's just say you better grab a stool and hunker in at the Lucky Wife table a while.
Side note......We have had folks thinking we have had certain territories sold because they have seen a LW trailer working an event in that area. If you have interest in a territory, shoot us an email. We have corporate trailers working all around the state of Iowa spreading the Lucky Wife Love! We also allow our franchisees to work areas that are unsold or unworked. Lot's of flexibility here!
Well. enough for now. Keep watching that calendar!